552 delayed discharges at LUH during 2022

Highland Radio, Donegal, Letterkenny, Hospital, Trolleys

A meeting of the Regional Health Forum has been told that over the course of 2023, there were 552 instances in which people could not be discharged from Letterkenny University Hospital because the appropriate supports were not available for them elsewhere.

In response to a question, Cllr Gerry Crawford was told that in total, 552 patients were the subject of delayed discharges during 2023. In 83 cases, applications have been submitted and funding approved for home support packages, but the patient is waiting for a carer to become available.

357 patients were awaiting step down to Community Nursing units, District Hospitals or HSE facilities, while 12 were awaiting rehabilitation in designated older persons beds under the governance of Consultant Geriatricians in a community setting.

Cllr Crawford said this again highlights for more investment to increase capacity in nursing homes and community hospitals, as well as more home help personnel.

He also urged Saolta to communicate with people awaiting home support packages and indicate when they may receive the services they need.

Patient Safety Indicator Reports for 2023 are available here –

