Gardai investigating criminal damage incidents in Lifford and Ballybofey

Gardaí are investigating criminal damage incidents in Lifford and Ballybofey.

In the early hours Wednesday last, a car caught fire in the driveway of a house at Coolatee, Lifford. The fire was noticed by the residents shortly after midnight, and the emergency services were called. Gardai say the possibility that the fire may have been started deliberately has not been ruled out, and are appealing for information.

At approximately 11.40 on Sunday night last, the sitting room window of a house at Blue Cedars in Ballybofey was smashed, Gardai are particularly interested in any sightings of a lone male in the area on foot or on a bike around that time.

Anybody who can assist with information or footage om either case is asked to contact Gardaí in Letterkenny on 074-9167100.

Meanwhile, shortly after midnight the same night, significant damage was caused to a car and the sitting room window was smashed at a house in Glenpatrick Park, Ballybofey.

Gardai are urging anybody who travelled in the Glenpatrick Park or Donegal Road area with a dash cam between 11.45pm and 00.15am that night to make contact.


