3 out of 5 MD Cathaoirligh elected to Donegal County Council

Today saw the first three out of five MD Cathaoirligh elected to Donegal County Council.

So far all of which has been Sinn Fein.

It understood to be in a voting agreement.

Glenties has elected Sinn Feins Cllr John Sheamais o Fearraigh as Cathaoirleach with Independent Cllr Micheal McClafferty as the leas Cathaoirleach.

Cllr John Sheamais O Fearraigh says his key areas are housing, roads and tourisim.

Meanwhile, Cllr Noel Jordan is the Donegal MD Cathaoirleach with Fianna Fáils poll topper Cllr Michael Naughton as deputy.

Cllr Noel Jordan says he hopes to complete a number of projects in the area.

Lifford/Stranorlar has appointed Cllr Gary Doherty as Cathaoirleach, with Fine Gaels Cllr Martin Harley as Leas Cathaoirleach.
