Over €1.3m paid out under Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant Scheme in Donegal

Over €1.3m in grant payments have been paid out in Donegal under the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant Scheme.

Since the opening of the scheme, a total of 28 homes have been brought back into use in the county.

Since July 2022, when the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant Scheme opened, Donegal County Council has received 772 applications.

To date, 500 of the applications have been approved for grant support, with the balance awaiting further information from the applicant or being scheduled for a first technical inspection.

Within the overall total, 24 applications were deemed not to meet the scheme requirements and 19 applications were withdrawn by the applicant.

The amount of grant payments issued under the scheme has exceeded €1.3m, representing 28 properties being brought back into use.

The Council’s Director of Services for Community Development and Planning Services, Liam Ward says the level of funding available under the scheme is significant, not alone to the individual applicant but to the general economy in Donegal.

Grants of up to €84,000 are available under the scheme to address the significant issue of vacancy and dereliction in the county as well as providing new family homes.
