Finn Harps have launched the club’s Football and Social Responsibility Strategy for 2023-2028.
Speaking on the launch, Finn Harps FSR Officer Stephen McNutt said: “As the Club’s FSR Officer, I am delighted we have completed our Social Responsibility Strategy.
The club has made tremendous efforts to be more inclusive both on and off the pitch. We know, as the Senior club in the county, we have a massive opportunity and responsibility to use our position to promote our Core Values of Respect, Responsibility Inclusion and Equality.
We have already established partnerships throughout the county who are working with us to create and develop programmes that will help us be successful in achieving our key priorities. We also know that we are only starting out and we would welcome any like minded clubs or organisations who share the same values on board.
I would like to acknowledge the support of both Derek O’Neill (FAI) and Margaret Fitzgerald (Donegal County Council) in securing the funding from Healthy Ireland which is vital in sustaining this initiative.”
Ian Harkin, Finn Harps Chairperson added: “Finn Harps has had at its core a feeling of responsibility for its community, being the only Donegal Club at the highest level meant that providing a pathway in football to the kids of Donegal was key, our Academy is now one of the strongest in the league and players are coming through and getting recognition.
Pathway alone is not what our club is about. The Donegal Down Syndrome partnership and jersey from a few years ago showed the power of inclusion, driven by Ann Kelly the club ran numerous different campaigns fundraising for multiple charity organisations. Fundraising is a part of it but opening our doors and making our facilities and operations accessible is key.
I recall talking to Ronan Roddy’s dad and he spoke of how Ronan found a home and his own confidence after volunteering at Finn Harps. Our home is an inclusive one and the appointment of Stephen McNutt last year as the full time FSR officer has seen the club stretch out into the community, across the county and beyond.
Autism inclusive camps, Down syndrome futsal team, walking football and football memories for older members, schools competitions and summer camps are some of the great initiatives already being delivered. The strategy document highlights the work being done as we seek commercial partners to continue this work and push the boundary further for all members of our community.”
Outlining the significance of the Healthy Ireland Programme Margaret Fitzgerald, Healthy Ireland Coordinator, Donegal County Council said “The Healthy Ireland Framework provides a cross-Government focus to deliver the vision for a Healthy Ireland where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to their full potential. In promoting initiatives like the Finn Harps Football Social Responsibility Programme, we can help empower and support communities to lead healthier, happier lives.”
Mark Scanlon, League of Ireland Director paid tribute to the work carried out by Stephen McNutt and FSR Officers around the league: “I am delighted to see another League of Ireland club launch their FSR Strategy, Finn Harps plays a pivotal role in the Donegal community and the recent community work that has been carried out by Stephen McNutt has helped to grow the reach of the club, this has been evidenced by initiatives such as the success of the Down Syndrome Futsal team, Walking football and the Autism inclusive camps. Over the coming years we aim to grow the FSR programmes in all League of Ireland clubs and we look forward to working with Finn Harps in the rollout of their strategy.”
Derek O’Neill, FAI Football Social Responsibility Manager added “It’s exciting to see so many LOI clubs now launch social responsibility strategies and Finn Harps are another great example. The club has now become more than a football team and delivers programmes that positively impact people’s lives.”