Non-Compliances identified by HIQA in three Donegal nursing homes

A number of non-compliances have been identified in three nursing homes in Donegal.

HIQA inspection reports have been published today in respect of Hillcrest Nursing Home, Donegal Community Hospital and Falcarragh Community Hospital.

Hillcrest Nursing Home in Letterkenny had 52 residents in place when the inspection took place in September. Six non compliances were identified in the areas of staffing, training, medicines and pharmaceuticals, care plans, healthcare and residents’ rights.

The fulll Hillcrest report can be accessed HERE

Donegal Community Hospital had 21 residents when it was inspected in May.

Seven non-compliances were identified there, in the areas of governance and management, medicines and pharmaceuticals, care plans, personal possessions, infection control, premises and residents’ rights.

The full Donegal Community Hospital report can be accessed HERE


An inspection of the newly refurbished Tory Wing at Falcarragh Community Hospital took place in July, with 11 residents in place.

One non-compliance was noted, in the area of premises.

In each case, the reports include responses from management outlining how they intend addressing the issues identified.

The full Falcarragh report can be accessed HERE


HSE statements regarding the facilities in Donegal and Falcarragh-


HSE Media Statement


Re HIQA inspection- Donegal Community Hospital- OSV-0000617

Donegal Community Hospital is a 29 bedded short stay unit providing Assessment, Respite, Palliative, and Rehab services to South Donegal.

As the hospital is for short stay patients it doesn’t include a residential long term care facility.

The HIQA inspection took place on May 8th 2024 and the report was published on the HIQA website on January 31st 2025.

The Inspector observed that the Nursing and Healthcare provided to residents was of good quality and feedback from residents was positive. Residents reported that the felt safe within the centre and staff were kind and pleasant.

On the day of inspection 14 Regulations were reviewed with 4 being compliant, 2 substantially compliant and 7 Regulations were noted to be non-compliant.

Additional refurbishment work is due to commence in February as to ensure compliance with Infection Prevention and Control standards.

All care plans have been reviewed and a Social Care Activities Programme has been developed to meet the resident’s needs. The activities schedule is now provided for seven days per week.

Melissa Kelly, Acting General Manager for Older Persons Services HSE Community Services, Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo said “The HSE will continue to work to ensure the delivery of high quality, person centered services to the residents in Donegal Community Hospital.”


HSE Media Release

Re- HIQA inspection Falcarragh Community Hospital- OSV-0000619

Falcarragh Community Hospital is comprised of two wings.

Gola wing currently provides accommodation for 11 short stay residents and Tory wing East provides accommodation for 11 Long Term Care residents and 2 short stay residents.

The hospital was inspected on July 31st 2024 and the report was published on the HIQA website on January 31st 2025.

Overall, the feedback from the residents was positive, with many expressing satisfaction with the newly refurbished unit. They also conveyed a strong sense of enthusiasm for moving into the single-room accommodations. The inspectors observed that several residents had also selected their preferred rooms within the newly refurbished unit.

This was a well-managed centre for the benefit of the residents. There was an established management team in place who were well known to residents and staff.

The inspector found the hospital substantially compliant in three regulations and non compliant in one regulation. An action plan was submitted to HIQA detailing how the issues identified at the time of inspection have been addressed. HIQA accepted the action plan and the rooms were registered for use by HIQA.

Melissa Kelly, Acting General Manager for Older Persons ServicesHSE Community Services Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo said “The HSE will continue to work to ensure the delivery of high quality, person centred services to the residents in Falcarragh Community Hospital.”
