Flynn and Blaney react to their election to the Seanad

Counting has concluded for the Seanad’s five vocational panels, which make up 43 of the 60 seats.

Over the weekend, Fianna Fail Senator Niall Blaney held his seat on the Agriculture Panel, while Fine Gael’s John McNulty didn’t secure sufficient support on that panel. Cllr Jimmy Kavanagh, meanwhile, fell short in his bid to secure a seat on the Labour Panel. That panel was topped by Monaghan based Senator Robbie Gallagher, a native of Termon.

Last evening, Independent Senator Eileen Flynn became the first member of the travelling community to be elected to the Seanad in their own right, taking the fourth seat on the Administrative Panel, having previously served as a Taoiseach’s nominee.

Speaking to Greg Hughes on today’s Nine til Noon Show, Senator Flynn said this was a special weekend………..

Meanwhile, Senator Niall Blaney says he’ll be working to see improvements to the Defective Concrete Block scheme, and defended the decision not to completely abandon the original scheme…………….
