The Mica Action Group has published an update on draft square metre rates.
Following last week’s meeting with Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien, the group was told a meeting to inform them of final rates would take place. However, that has not yet happened.
Draft information from the Department of Housing has revealed that for the first option – demolition and rebuild a rate of €2,045 per square metre for a home up to 180 sq. m would be applied and a home larger than 180 sq. m would have a cap of €240,000 including accommodation and storage costs.
Options 2-5 for partial rebuild under the same which covers the removal and replacement of defective blocks to the relevant dwelling and removal of other material will be calculated based on the square metre of blockwork to be removed and replaced and the square metre rate subject to an overall cap.
The Mica Action Group has stressed that no confirmation of the figures has yet been received of the final rates.