DCC urging people to have their say on Climate Action Plan

Donegal County Council is urging people to have their say as part of a Climate Action Plan Pre-Draft Public Consultation.

The local authority is preparing its first Local Authority Climate Action Plan which must be adopted by members before February 23rd 2024.

Donegal County Council will use its Climate Action Plan in planning how it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from across its own assets and infrastructure, whilst also taking on a broader role to influence, facilitate and co-ordinate the climate actions of communities and other stakeholders.

The development of the Climate Action Plan comprises of three phases. The first stage, evidence building, commenced in October and finished last month. The second phase, Plan Making is ongoing and will run until September while the final phase is the adoption of the plan by February next year.

The local authority says it is their vision to be a Climate Resilient, Biodiversity Rich, Environmentally Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Donegal by no later than the end of 2050.

Submissions can be made before 12 noon on July 31st online at consult.donegal.ie or by emailing climateready@donegalcoco.ie
