Clubs to be addressed by Manager Selection Committee

Donegal GAA have informed clubs today that a special county “Committee Meeting” will take place in Convoy this Monday evening.

The only item on the agenda will be an address by the selection committee to the executive and the clubs with the latest on filling the position of Donegal senior team manager.

Speculation is rife that former 2012 All Ireland wining manager Jim Mc Guinness has agreed to return as manager to lead  Donegal in 2024.

Mc Guinness first took charge of Donegal between 2011 and 2014, winning  three Ulster SFC titles, the 2011 Allianz Division 2 title and the 2012 All-Ireland.

Highland Radio’s GAA Correspondent Brendan Kilcoyne gave his thoughts to Oisin Kelly on the possible return of the former Donegal boss Jim Mc Guinness..
