Podcast Monday’s Nine Til Noon Show


The Nine ’til Noon Show  – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show which aims to inform and entertain listeners and to platform their views and issues:

On Monday’s show, and after a look the papers, we dedicate the hour to reaction from GPs and Consultants to their meeting with the Health Minister on Friday:

After comments, The Daily Mail’s John Lee comments on going speculation to Charlie McConologue TD may be about to take up an EU Commissioners role and Jason Quigley reflects on Katie Taylor’s epic win at the 3 Arena at the weekend:

Ireland’s strongest man Sean Gillen chats to Greg, Brendan Devenney previews the DL Debate, we hear of a new documentary on Donegal Airport and we chat the Enniskillen Pub behind a viral Christmas advert:
