Public consultation launched on Letters to Heaven post box initiative

A public consultation has been launched in Derry and Strabane on a Letters to Heaven post box initiative.

The project will see letterboxes placed in four of the largest cemeteries across the city and district, allowing visitors to send letters to loved ones they have lost.

It has already been rolled out in the City Cemetery and in Ballyoan and Strabane Cemeteries.

The initiative was brought to the attention of the Council by former Mayor, Cllr Graham Warke who was contacted by a local woman who recently lost a family member, leaving behind a young son who felt he would benefit if he thought he could write a letter to his father.

They were inspired by a similar scheme in Nottinghamshire.

Cllr Ruairí McHugh, Chair of the Environment and Regeneration Committee he says he understands there will be mixed reviews surrounding the topic and is interested in hearing the viewpoints of all.

The Council endeavours to provide this facility for bereaved people, particularly children, but also adults so they can send messages to their deceased loved ones as evidence shows this profoundly cathartic experience may greatly benefit their emotional and psychological wellbeing.

The consultation runs until February 16th. Link to survey –
