HIQA publishes four nursing home reports, three focussing on restrictive practices

HIQA has published four reports following inspections of Nursing Homes in Donegal.

A full inspection of the Lake House Nursing Home in Portnablagh found two non-compliances, while no non-compliances were detected during thematic inspections into restrictive practices at nursing homes in Convoy, Fahan and Buncrana.

There were 47 residents in place at the Lake House in Portnablagh when the inspection took place in January. Inspectors fund residents were generally very happy, but non-compliances were noted in the areas of premises and protection. In an appendix, management outline the steps they are taking to address the issues identified.

The full Lake House report can be viewed HERE

Special inspections assessing looking at restrictive practices were carried out at three centres in recent months.

Brindley Manor in Convoy was found to be substantially compliant, with inspectors noting residents received a good, safe service but their quality of life would be enhanced by improvements in the management and reduction of restrictive practices.

The Brindley Manor report can be viewed HERE

Both Beach Hill Manor in Fahan and Buncrana Community Hospital were found to be compliant, with residents enjoying a good quality of life in centres where the culture, ethos and delivery of care was focused on reducing or eliminating the use of restrictive practices.

The Beach Hill Manor report can be viewed HERE

The Buncrana Community Hospital report can be viewed HERE

In response to the publication of the Buncrana report, the HSE has issued the following statement –


Re HIQA Inspection – Buncrana Community Hospital- OSV-0000614

 Buncrana Community Hospital is a 30 bedded unit, compromising of 15 Long term, and 15 short term beds catering for client over 65 years of age.

A restrictive practice register was maintained, and appropriate risk assessments were carried out before using the restrictive measures. Furthermore, the staff who spoke with the inspector was knowledgeable about the evidence-based best practices for the use of restraints. Several quality improvement initiatives, such as safety pauses, structured handovers, regular governance meetings, staff meetings, audits on the use of restrictive practices, care planning audits, and regular resident meetings, were in place to improve the lives of the residents living in this centre. The centre had policies for managing responsive behaviour and for reducing restrictive practices.

The inspection was carried out on December 5th 2023 and the report was published on the HIQA website on March 21st 2024.

The full report was compliant.

Melissa Kelly, Acting General Manager for Older Persons Services HSE Community Healthcare CH CDLMS said “The HSE will continue to work to ensure the delivery of high quality, person-centred services to the residents in Buncrana Community Hospital.”

