Ours To Protect – Pollinator Plan with Julie Corry 30/04/2024

Highland Radio are delighted to partner with Coimisiún na Meán in launching a new series dealing with various topics on sustainability.

Donna-Marie Doherty of Highland Radio will have a weekly feature on Tuesdays at 12:30 covering a real mix of different topics and interviews with businesses and experts who have a common interest on expertise in sustainability.

Coimisiún na Meán stated; ‘”Ours to Protect”, is a unique and exciting audio project – a collaboration of local and regional broadcasters from across the country who have come together to tackle climate change, champion climate action, and inform and educate audiences all over Ireland about how they can make a difference.’

This week Highland Radio spoke to Donna Mullen Author of Make Your Home a Nature Reserve:

Did you know?

As well as no-mow may, the Let it Be campaign runs for the month of April to encourage people to treat dandelions  as flowers and not weeds and to leave them in the ground

Its part of the pollinator plan > https://pollinators.ie/ 

They are so resilient, they can even grow in gaps on pavements > https://iwt.ie/species-in-focus-dandelions/#:~:text=Dandelions%20are%20considered%20a%20weed,spring%20without%20stopping%20until%20autumn

You can tell bees apart by their bee-hinds! > https://pollinators.ie/record-pollinators/id-guides/ 

Why it’s important!

Bee’s are responsible for pollinating 30% of our food source > https://pollinators.ie/record-pollinators/ 

Dandelions are one of the most important food sources for bees 

It’s not just the bumble bee, there are over 20 bee species in Ireland, 6 of them are most commonly found in your garden.

Learn More:





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