Above average temperatures recorded in Donegal in May

Met Eireann says last month was the warmest May on record.

Temperatures were on average – more than 2.5 degrees above the long-term average.

Weather stations in Malin Head and Finner also recorded higher than normal temperatures.

Temperatures last month were on average just above 13 degrees Celsius – the second time on record they have been above that level.

Met Eireann says temperatures last month were above average everywhere and there were record temperatures for May at 13 weather stations.

The average temperature at Malin Head weather station was 12.2 degrees Celsius, 1.8 degrees above average. At Finner weather station the average temperature last month was 1.9 degrees Celsius above the long-term average at 12.8 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, the highest gust, 39 knots was recorded at Malin Head weather station on Wednesday May 22nd and the highest 10 minute mean wind speed registered at the weather station on Thursday May 23rd at 32 knots.
