Gola Island residents without water for over a month

Residents on Gola Island are without water for over a month.

Councillor Micheal Choilm MacGiolla Easbuig says it’s beyond a joke that islanders are repeatedly left without water.

He’s hit out at the slow response from Uisce Eirean to repairing the burst.

Councillor MacGiolla Easbuig says a long term solution is needed:

Response from Uisce Eireann:

Repair works were carried out on the undersea pipeline which supplies drinking water from the mainland to Gola Island after the pipeline was damaged in storms over the most recentChristmas period. These repair works were completed early in 2024. Uisce Éireann have not received any complaints in relation to further issues with the water supply to Gola Island since then. If customers are experiencing water supply issues, we encouragecustomers to contact us directly. The Uisce Éireann customer care helpline is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278. Further investigations will be required to ascertain whether the pipeline has been damaged again. As the pipeline is undersea, divers and chartered boatsare required to locate any possible faults, which may cause investigations to be unavoidably delayed. Uisce Éireann acknowledges and is thankful for the patience shown by the local community while investigations are ongoing.
