HSE meet with representatives in relation to Fahan Community Health Centre

A meeting took place today between public representatives, representatives from the Fahan Health Centre Committee and the HSE.

The HSE says the purpose of this meeting was to allay concerns in relation to the role of the Public Health Nurse in the community, and have hailed it as a success.

The HSE reiterated that there are no plans to remove the public health nurse from Fahan and that services will continue to be provided, as defined by the needs of the patients in that area.

The public health nurse service operates on a Monday to Friday basis, 9am to 5pm, and those wishing to make an appointment can leave a voicemail.

Those left after 10:30am will be dealt with the following day.

They added that given the domiciliary nature of the service, the nurse will not always be available at the centre.

The statement also outlined that the Fahan active caseload currently consists of 20 clients, compared to the typical 40/50 load for a public health nurse, therefore it was decided Fahan would be realigned with the Buncrana lower and Muff West area.

The new area is now being managed by two public health nurses and a community registered general nurse and client files were sorted and sent to the nurses assigned to that area.

The HSE will continue to liaise and engage locally with this group.

HSE statement in full:

The HSE wish to confirm that on 24th of July they had a successful meeting with a number of public representatives for the area and representatives from the Fahan Health Centre Committee.

The purpose of the meeting was to allay any concerns raised by the group and to explain how the Public Health Nursing (PHN) service operates in the county and in particular the Fahan area.

The HSE reiterated that there are no plans to remove the PHN service from Fahan Health Centre and PHN services continue to be provided as defined by the needs of the patients in that area.

The PHN service operates a Monday to Friday service 9am to 5pm. If you wish to make an appointment to see the Nurse in the Fahan Health centre please Tel: 074 93 31597 leave a voicemail and the Nurse will return your call, voicemails left after 10.30am will be dealt with the following day.

Given that community health nursing is predominately a domiciliary service, the nurse will not always be available at the health centre. Appointments are scheduled in advance for the nurse depending on the patient’s needs.

The PHN service will continue to have a nurse providing a service to all in Fahan and the surrounding areas.

The Public Health Nursing Service is made up of a group of nurses i.e. both PHNs and Community Registered General Nurses (CRGNs) with differing skill sets and caseloads responsibilities. This is a pre- planned, non-emergency service provided in the home or by appointment in the health centre by nurses who have the skill set to provide the appropriate care for the needs of the patients.

Competencies in all skills required for the provision of a community service that is responsive to the needs of the population, are maintained through regular exposure of nurses to all nursing interventions, and through mandatory training and upskilling.

The Fahan active caseload currently consists of 20 clients.   The normal standard number of clients for a Public Health Nurse is 40/50 in order to ensure that they maintain their skills across all competencies relating to general nursing care.

In order to provide an equitable and skilled service it was decided Fahan area would be realigned to Buncrana lower and Muff West.  This would ensure patients would continue to receive a quality service and that the Nurse would maintain competency on all skills required to fulfil the role.

The Fahan Area is now being managed by two PHNs and a CRGN who cover the newly realigned area of Fahan, Buncrana lower and Muff West.

Client files were sorted into the realigned areas and sent to the Nurse(s) assigned to that area so that they would have access to notes for accurate record keeping.

Where the client is able to come to the centre they are invited to do so by appointment, otherwise the care is delivered into the home. Any telephone messages that are received are checked and responded to within a 24 hour period, which is the norm for this service across the county.  All messages have been responded to within this timeframe where contact information has been made known to the nurse.  There has been no deterioration of the service provided at Fahan and all clients who have needed a service have received a service, in line with their needs.

The HSE will continue to liaise and engage locally with this group.
