Yacht crew rescued after engine failed off Arranmore Island

Arranmore RNLI was tasked after an 11 meter yacht with two crew on board suffered engine failure 2 miles off Arranmore just after 5pm yesterday evening.

On arrival at the stricken yacht, following assessment by the lifeboat crew a tow was established and the yacht was towed to the safety of Burtonport Harbour.

The lifeboat returned to anchor at Arranmore at 7.35 following refuelling.

Coxswain Jimmy Early said; ‘weather conditions at the time were favourable with a light southerly wind and a half meter swell. The crew of the yacht did exactly the right thing in asking for assistance and as a 24/7 emergency service we are happy to respond.’

Arranmore RNLI Lifeboat Press Officer, Nora Flanagan says should anyone experience difficulty on the water it’s imperative they seek help in the first instance:
