Average weekly spend in Northern and Western counties almost €920

The average weekly household expenditure was just over 1 thousand euro in 2022 and 2023.

That figure is slightly lower at almost €920 in Northern and Western counties.

According to CSO figures released today, the average weekly spend in the Northern and Western region was €919.26 with transport which covers vehicles, fuel, insurance, tax and public transport the main cost for people. The average weekly spend on transport in the region was €155.05 between 2022 and 2023.

People in Northern and Western counties spent an average of €151 on food per week, €28.60 on alcohol and tobacco products, €36.64 on clothing and footwear, €63.28 on fuel and electricity and €24.65 went towards medical expenses, services and therapeutic equipment.

In terms of housing, there was a six euro difference in how much people spent a week on rent when compared to someone who had a mortgage. People spent an average of €41.77 on rent per week and €47.55 went towards mortgage payments.

You can view the full report here
