Carndonagh councillor hoping for resolution after DCC rescinds Cluain Darach offer

A Carndonagh based councillor says he firmly believes the recently completed Cluain Darach development in the town has the capacity to provide 58 much needed social housing units, half of which are complete.

Cllr Albert Doherty was speaking after it emerged this month that Donegal County Council has withdrawn an offer to buy the development.

In a letter sent to the developer, the council says the difference in their respective positions could not be closed in relation to the requirements for blockwork testing.

The developer has been in discussion with an Approved Housing Body, with the council saying any such discussion would require agreement between the AHB and the department.

Cllr Doherty is hopeful that will bear fruit…………….


Letter from Donegal County Council to the developer –

“I refer to correspondences relating to your proposal under the turnkey acquisition process for 58 housing units at Cluain Darach, Carndonagh.  I also refer to our meeting which was held in Letterkenny on the 1st of March 2024, where we reviewed matters and sought to establish a way forward.

You will be aware there are a number of significant issues which were discussed in detail on that day, including the Council’s due diligence requirements for blockwork testing and we noted your continued position and lack of agreement to the Councils blockwork testing requirements.

Upon detailed further consideration, having regard to our discussions and previous correspondence over a period, the Council is of the opinion that the difference in our respective positions cannot be closed in relation to the requirements for blockwork testing.

In light of same, it is clear that agreement will not be reached in relation to this turnkey proposal, and there is no benefit in the Council continuing negotiations, which have been ongoing for a considerable period. In this regard and in the interest of clarity, the offer made by the Council is hereby rescinded and the Councils involvement in this development is now ended.

In this context, any proposal to sell the development to an AHB, will require engagement and agreement between the Approved Housing Body and the Department.”


Response from Cllr Doherty to the council –

A chairde
I had anticipated further council human interaction with GDC re:Cluain Darach and the turnkey acquisition of much needed 58 social housing units in Carndonagh.
I was hopeful that “differences” in respective Council/Developer positions could be closed and resolved.
However, the council has concluded that there is no benefit in the local authority continuing negotiations with GDC, has rescinded the offer made and ended its involvement in this proposed turnkey development.
I live in Carndonagh and the Cluain Darach housing unit development was regarded locally as a critical and essential social housing need provider in the Carndonagh and Inishowen areas.
The local area remains in dire need of social housing provision.
GDC had   confirmed to me the significant interest and the earlier proposed sale of the 58 Housing units to an AHB. The Aug.2nd email from council refers and advises that any proposal to sell to an AHB will require engagement and agreement between the AHB and the Department.
I trust and expect that council will corroborate to the Department of Housing the prevailing dire need for social housing provision in the Carndonagh and Inishowen area.
The delivery of the housing units at Cluain Darach to address and respond to the current social housing need is essential.
Your assistance is appreciated.
Is mise le meas,
Albert Doherty,Cllr.
Carndonagh Electoral Area.