Minister says government will support hospitality sector as calls for VAT reduction intensify

The Irish Tourism Industry Confederation is renewing its call for the 9 per cent VAT rate to be restored in Budget 2025.

A survey by Fáilte Ireland found 64 per cent of hospitality businesses expect profitability to fall this year.

Several politicians locally and nationally are supporting the call, including Donegal Fine Gael Candidate John McNulty.

Eoghan O’Mara Walsh, Chief Executive of the I-T-I-C, says reducing the VAT rate is a no-brainer……………..

The Enterprise Minister insists he’s still working to ensure strong support for the hospitality sector in the budget.

It comes as the government finalises a 2 billion euro cost of living package for households ahead of tomorrow’s announcement.

Two double child benefit payments before Christmas and increases of at least 10 euro in welfare rates are expected.

Meanwhile, it’s not certain the government will agree to cut the VAT rate for the hospitality sector.

But Minister Peter Burke believes the coalition will intervene to help those businesses………………
