An Bord Pleanala has refused planning permission for a major housing development in Ballyshannon.
Campbell and Slevin Limited had been granted permission for the development of 150 units of housing on the outskirts of the town bt Donegal County Council, but that decision was appealed to the planning board.
The company had sort permission for 60 four bedroom houses, 48 three bed houses, and two 2 bedroom houses at a site on the old Ballyshannon to Bundoran road.
However there were objections on a number of grounds – these included road traffic safety, the high density proposed, a negative impact on visual amenities and claims the development would be contrary to the County Development Plan.
Donegal County Council had said it was satisfied road safety issues had been addressed and that the development fully complied with the Ballyshannon local area plan.
The principle reason the planning board declined permission for the development is on the grounds it would have a negative impact on local areas of specical conservation.
In its report the board says the deveopment would endanger the conservation status of the Dunmuckrum Turloughs and Donegal Bay Special Protection Area.
- Sun, 16 Feb 2025
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