An Bord Pleanala has overturned a previous council decision to allow a quarry outside Carrigart intensify its operations, including more blasting, and retain rock crushing machinery.
The council had, in 2008, granted conditional permission to J.and F.Doherty Quarries (Donegal) Limited at Devlinreagh, but that’s now been overturned by the planning appeals board after two local people objected.
The site is located 22 kilometres to the north of Letterkenny , on the north / north west slope of Crockmore, which rises to a height of 86 metres.
In its ruling, the appeals board says is not satisfied, on the basis of the information contained in the
planning application and the Environmental Impact Statement, that an appropriate assessment of the effects of the development on the environment has been carried out.
The adjudication says there is insufficient information in relation to baseline conditions and the receiving environment, and the likely impacts of the development in relation to habitats and noise have not been
adequately addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement.
The decision also notes that while the developers made provision for drainage, there are concerns about the soil, and particularly about a stream on the site.
The board concludes the proposed development would pose an unacceptable risk of pollution to the stream and would, therefore, be prejudicial to public health.
The Board also notes that the site area had changed during the course of the appeal, but this change had not been re-advertised. However, due to the substantive reasons for refusal, the Board did not pursue this matter.
- Fri, 14 Feb 2025
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