Portnoo priest speaks on Shaun Doherty Show about NY tragedy

It’s emerged that the mother of two boys who died when they were swept from her arms in Staten Island during Superstorm Sandy a week ago was refused help by people whose doors she knocked on immediately after the boys were lost.
Four year old Connor Moore and his two year old brother Brandon were the sons of Damien Moore, originally from Portnoo, where his parents, Fay and Paddy, still live after returning from the US.
Portnoo curate Father Philip Daly is comforting the boys’ grandparents, and is in contact with family members in New York.
He says one of the most shocking aspects of the story is that when Glenda sought help from local homes immediately after the boys were taken by the floods,  she was turned away.
Earlier today, he spoke on the Shaun Doherty Show……….
