In-coming Eirgrid chairman pledges to work with communities over pylon issue

The chairman designate of Eirgrid has pledged to work with communities over the issue of pylons.
Major controversy has erupted over plans by the electricity network manager to put lines overground on huge pylons at various areas around the country.
John O’Connor – who is formerly of An Bord Pleanala – is appearing before an Oireachtas Committee. He has insisted his role now is not a conflict of interest with his past job.
But Fianna Fáil says because of possible conflicts, they will not support his nomination to the position of Chairman.
Mr. O’Connor says he will be working to ensure full public confidence in the projects.
“I strongly subscribe to the idea that meaningful public consultation with local residents, property owners and communities is an indispensable element of this” he said.
“I can assure the committee – and indeed the public – that all feedback received during each phase of the consultation will be given due consideration in the development of the project”.
“Furthermore, each project is reviewed at key milestones; taking into account the most updated information available, in conjunction with the feedback from the consultations” he added.
