These Clonmany girls heard our Yvonne needs a new kidney, they were so moved by her story they raided their piggy banks to help!!
In the video above, they chat to Shaun and tell why they decided to make such a generous donation.
And please don’t forget, you can help by supporting The Donegal Ice Road Treckers and Shaun, Lee & Mary who are off to climb Mount Errigal & Croagh Patrick mountains this Monday to raise funds for Yvonne’s Kidney transplant in Coventry.
You can follow the climb on Monday with regular updates from Drone coverage from Paul Doherty.
You can donate: on the link below or by calling into Highland Radio or calling 074 91 25000 or any Bank of Ireland Account 24721873 IBAN IE89 BOFI90477124721873 BIC BOFIIE2D
- Mon, 6 Jan 2025
- (+353) 07491 25000
- (+353) 086 60 25000