The Times of India has reported that a charge sheet has been filed against the 24 year old Vikat Bhagat, accused of murdering Buncarana woman, Danielle McLaughlin who was found murdered in Goa in March.
The court document also shows evidence that 28 year old Danielle struggled with her attacker.
24 year old Vikat Bhagat has been accused of murder, rape, robbery and destruction of evidence.
According to The Times of India the 374-page chargesheet consists of 58 exhibits and 68 witness statements.
The paper also reports that the accused took advantage of his friendship with 28 year old Danielle McLaughlin.
Authorities allege Bhagat raped and strangled the Buncrana woman before disfiguring her face with a glass bottle.
Police in India say they discovered 7 injury marks on her body suggesting there was a struggle before her death.
Bhagat previously wrote a 29-page letter to his sister in which he claims three of his friends attacked the 28 year old and killed her when she tried to fight back.
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