€1.8 allocated for progress on Technological University application

€1.8 million has been allocated for progress on the establishment of a Technological University serving the West and North West.
The Connaught Ulster Alliance is bringing together the Institutes of Technology in Letterkenny, Sligo, Galway and Mayo, with a formal proposal expected in two years time.
In a statement last evening, Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor confirmed that The Connacht Ulster Alliance consortium is working towards making an application for technological university designation in 2020.
The consortium, which includes Letterkenny IT, Sligo IT and Galway Mayo IT, will spend €1.8 million this year putting preparations in place.
It’s set to be the last of the Technological Universities to progress ; projects in the South East, South West and Dublin are set to submit formal applications later this year.
Meanwhile, funding has been announced to complete the incorporation of St. Angela’s College, Sligo with NUI Galway.
It’s also been confirmed by the Minister a number of other applications have been made to share an €800,000 fund for building improvements, and that includes a submission from Letterkenny IT.
