Irish Water decline meeting over west Donegal outages


Irish Water has declined a request from a West Donegal councillor for a site meeting to discuss outages in the Curransport, Derryconner and Meenlaragh area.
The request had come from Cllr Michael Cholm Mac Giolla Easbuig.
In a letter to Cllr Mac Giolla Easbuig, Irish Water says the Derryconner and Curransport mains rehabilitation works project was prioritised for 2020, but due to limited funding and prioritisation of other schemes with higher levels of supply interruption elsewhere in the County it is unlikely to go ahead this year.
Irish Water says it recognises the difficulty that interruption to supply cause as a result of pipe bursts for communities in various parts of the country, and is reviewing and updating projects, based on the available funding.
The letter continues Irish Water have completed the installation of a Pressure Reduction Valve on the Line to Curransport to minimise supply interruption for customers in the Derryconner and Curransport area as bursts on low ground in Curransport can result in supply interruption and reduced pressure for customers on high ground in the Derryconner area.
It concludes Irish Water is unable to offer a one to one meeting at this time, but will answer any specific queries via the Local Representative Support Desk and at the Councillor Clinics once current COVID restriction allow.
