Next month crucial for 100% redress following Lifford mica march – Michael Doherty

Photo – @MicaRedress on Twitter

An estimated crowd of around 2,000 people took to the streets in Lifford yesterday, calling once again on the Government to provide a 100 percent mica redress scheme for affected homeowners.

The demonstration began outside the county council offices in Lifford and then moved through the town, and as a number of mica campaigners took to the stage to deliver speeches to the bustling crowd.

Speaking at the demonstration yesterday, PRO of the Mica Action Group Michael Doherty said that while mica is not just a Donegal issue, he hopes that yesterday’s gathering can set an example for mica campaigners across the country.

He also told the crowd there that the next month will be crucial as negotiations to provide 100 percent redress continues….
