No walk-ins for 16-29 year old booster vaccinations to be offered

The head of the HSE’s vaccination programme says boosters for people aged 16 to 29 will remain by appointment as it’s rolled out over the coming days.

A small number of clinics began administering third doses to the cohort today in Tipperary, Clare and Limerick.

The HSE’s Damien McCallion says that will be expanded to more parts of the country over the coming days.

But he also says they won’t be doing booster walk-ins for 16-29 year olds at this point:

According to the HSE website and the vaccination booking portal, 16-29 year olds can book an appointment for their booster at the Letterkenny Vaccination Centre from Tuesday the 4th of January onwards.

Select pharmacies as well as GPs will also be offering booster vaccines to those in the 16-29 age cohort and above.

You can book a booster vaccine appointment at a vaccination centre here:
