McBrearty seeking a judicial review of the use of IS 465 in DCB redress scheme

A Lifford Stranorlar Area Councillor has confirmed he and 16 other homeowners are seeking a Judicial Review of what he termed the flawed testing protocol I.S. 465 which is used as part of the Defective Block Redress Scheme.

Independent Cllr Frank McBrearty says he and the 15 other honeowners are all affected be defective concrete blocks and defective concrete foundations, and they will hold a public information meeting on Friday May 31st 2024, in the Volt House, Raphoe, starting at 7pm sharp.

On today’s Nine til Noon Show, Cllr Mc Brearty said he believes a Judicial Review is the best way to get to the nub of the issue…………


You can hear the full conversation here –

