Fórsa to hold meeting for Donegal school secretaries

Fórsa is holding an information meeting for Donegal school secretaries on new employment proposals next week.

It’s ahead of a ballot of school secretary members on a set of proposals designed to regularise their employment terms and conditions.

Draft proposals were finalised last week at the WRC which include a new pay scale aligned with civil service grade III clerical officer, an agreed method of assimilation into the new pay scale, alternative arrangements to the current practice of signing on for social protection payments during school holidays, a centralised payroll system and standardised arrangements for maternity leave, sick leave and annual leave.

Fórsa said that while the proposals did not include any substantial progress on pensions, the union reserved the right to press the case for suitable pension arrangements in the future.

A ballot of Fórsa’s school secretary members is to commence shortly, and the union will provide a detailed analysis of the proposals.

The meeting in Donegal next week is one of a series of information meetings taking place as the ballot gets underway.

The meeting will take place at the Mount Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny from 7pm to 8.30pm next Monday March 7th.
