Inishowen fly tippers fined €5,000

Fly tippers in Donegal have been forced to fork out nearly €5,000.

Donegal County Council successfully obtained 3 prosecutions under the Litter Pollution Act at a recent sitting of Letterkenny District Court.

The fly tipping incidents occurred in the Inishowen Municipal District and litter wardens provided evidence including photographic evidence of the offence to Letterkenny District Court on March 22nd.

The Judge in reviewing all the evidence found in favour of the Council and proceeded to convict and fine to the sum of €500 for each case and ordered costs of €1,142, to a total €4938 with 5 months to pay.

The Council is reminding people that it is illegal to litter or dump waste with the possibility of incurring fines of between €150 for an on the spot fine and €4,000 if convicted in court.

Members of the public have been praised for their reporting of littering or illegal dumping.
