No workable business proposal submitted for Lifford Greyhound Stadium – GRI

Greyhound Racing Ireland has confirmed that Lifford Greyhound Stadium has not reopened due to an unworkable business proposal being put forward.

It was previously expected that the stadium would reopen in March 2022.

Communication was made between the Lifford Greyhound Racing Stadium Club Ltd and Greyhound Racing Ireland in June 2021.

The communication surrounding the opening of the track was contingent upon several terms and conditions being met.

In a statement, GRI says it welcomed the initiative but made it clear that any proposal must comply with all legal requirements and must be underpinned by a persuasive commercial plan making the business venture workable and viable.

The proposal was not received until May 20th 2022 after which the GRI were advised by their legal team that it was not workable as it would contravene it’s obligations as the Tote Licence holder.

GRI said an alternative proposal would be considered but to date, they say none have been received from UK Tote or Lifford Racing Stadium which can be progressed.

In conclusion, GRI says it has not delayed the process.
