Screenshot: @markusmoments on Instagram
Westlife fans will be delighted to hear that Mark Feehily has gotten the all clear from doctors following a 6 week illness of pneumonia.
The singer had to sit out for a portion of Wild Dreams Tour which he admitted was more difficult than enduring the illness itself.
He took to Instagram to share the good news and thank his fellow band members for re-arranging the show to accommodate his absence. He also shared his gratitude to the bands loyal fans who sang in his parts during the concerts.
He reassured his 342K followers that he would be seeing them soon.
The video post which has nearly 33K likes was captioned as follows:
Hey all, great news… I’ll be FLYING WITHOUT WINGS once more!
Finally the doctor has said that I can start getting myself back to normal. I was in his waiting room earlier worried he was going to tell me “no you’re still not right” but he was very happy with how I am doing.
I have so much thanks to give. I won’t lie, although there are lots of people much worse off than me, the past 6 weeks have been very difficult. Weirdly the most difficult thing was not being ill (that wasn’t easy either!) it was having no choice but to sit back and watch my own band be on tour without me and miss all of the shared moments of joy and happiness with the other lads onstage and of course the interaction with the audiences and fans.
@shanefilanofficial @nickybyrneinsta @kianegan you three legends, you lads re-choreographed and re-arranged the entire show with about 1hrs notice that evening in Newcastle when I had to make the horrible phone call to tell you I couldn’t do the show…the way you handled it shows how talented and professional you 3 are! You kept the @westlife flag flying for the rest of December and I’m so grateful for that. Love
Thank you to the audiences who helped sing my parts in my absence and thank you to all the fans for the constant messages of support online – it really helped and btw… I missed you guys as much as you missed me
Thanks to our AMAZING tour crew and management for dealing with the challenge so well and just nailing it I miss you all and the fun times backstage but I will be seeing you very soon
My amazing family and friends who took such good care of me while I was ill.
(Ok Mark mate you havn’t won an Oscar you just had a bad chest infection…sorry I’m just excited!)
Anyway I thought I’d do a happy positive daft little video to celebrate after all the doom and gloom
2023 let’s have ya! (One step at a time!)
Love Mx