Update – HSE responds to five HIQA reports published yesterdayl

HIQA has published reports on another five inspections carried out at designated centres for people with disabilities in Donegal. In total, the centres catered for 23 residents at the time of the inspections in October and November of last year.

The five inspections in the county were part of a review of all such centres in Donegal due to concerns about overall governance and oversight of HSE centres, in light of the findings of the Brandon Report.

Some non-compliances were noted in two of the centres, all of which have been addressed.

No non-compliances were recorded at Drumboe Respite House when it was inspected in October. There were three residents there at the time.

The full Drumboe House report can be read HERE

Also in October, Dunshenny House was inspected with three residents present. There were two non-compliances noted, one in the area of government and management, and the other in the area of fire precautions. The report notes both were addressed before the end of the year.

The full Dunshenny House report can be read HERE

In November, Fernhill Respite House was inspected, with three people living there at the time. No non-compliances were found.

The full Fernhill Respite House report can be read HERE

Also in November, Inbhear na Mara was inspected with nine residents in place. One non-compliance was detected in the area of staffing. Again, the report notes the issue has been addressed.

The full Inbhear na Mara report can be read HERE

Finally, the five resident Riverside House was inspected in October, with no non-compliances noted.

The full Riverside report can be read HERE

UPDATE – The HSE has published statements in relation to the five centres that were inspected –

Re HIQA Inspection – Drumboe Respite House – OSV-0002531
Drumboe Respite House is a designated centre run by the Health Service Executive (HSE)
in Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo
Drumboe Respite House provides respite services for up to five adults or children at
separate times. The service is currently providing full-time emergency residential service to
three people. It is located in a residential area close to a busy town which gives residents
good access to a wide range of facilities and amenities. The residents have their own
bedrooms and the use of two sitting rooms, a sensory room and an activity room.The centre
has a secure back garden which is supplied with a range of outdoor furniture and equipment.
There are two vehicles available to the service so that residents can access community
The Centre was inspected on the 18 th & 19 th October 2022
Fourteen regulations were inspected by HIQA with eleven of the regulations inspected
deemed to be compliant with standards three found to be substantially compliant. The HSE
has taken a number of actions to ensure full regulatory compliance is achieved. The actions
are as follows:
 All documentation has been updated to reflect the change in processes in line with the
Policy on the Management of Feedback (Comments Compliments and Complaints).
 Easy to read complaints and concerns poster have been updated to include details for
the point of contact persons.
 Risk assessment for fire and safe evacuation is being reviewed. The Fire Officer will
complete a risk assessment of the doors in the Laundry/Activity building.
 The Policy on the Safe usage of Wi-Fi is being developed and will be implemented within
the service once finalized.
 Regular Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings are scheduled to discuss the transition plan
for the three residents.
 Monthly Safeguarding meetings are scheduled to review any Safeguarding concerns
within the centre.
The HSE will continue to work to ensure that a high quality of service is maintained ongoing
within this centre.


Re HIQA Inspection – Dunshenny House – OSV-0007987
Dunshenny House is a designated centre run by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in
Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo
Dunshenny House provides 24 hour residential care to adults with disabilities. Residents are
supported by a suitably qualified staff team who complete a mandatory schedule of training
and as required any additional training specific to the needs of residents. Dunshenny is a
two story house situated in Carndonagh. The residents have their own bedrooms and the
use of two sitting rooms. The centre has a private garden for use by residents.
The Centre was inspected on the 25 th October 2022.
Eleven regulations were inspected. Three were deemed at inspection to be compliant and
six substantially compliant with two regulations deemed non-compliant. The HSE has taken
a number of actions to ensure the centre is in full compliance with regulatory standards.
These are as follows:
 All deficits in staff training have been identified and a training plan has been provided
for staff to complete.
 A review of the on call arrangements has taken place to ensure effective governance.
 All Covid Risk Assessments have been updated in line with Infection Prevention and
Control Public Health Advice.
 The Behavior Support Policy & attached signatory sheet has been circulated for staff
attention and follow up.
 Site Specific orientation, induction and induction checklists have been updated and
put in place within the centre to be used going forward with new staff as required.
 The Safe Use of Internet Policy for Service Users has been finalised and will be
implemented within the centre by 31 st January 2023.
The HSE will continue to work to ensure that a high quality of service provision is maintained
ongoing within this centre.


Re HIQA Inspection – Fernhill Respite House – OSV-0003338
Fernhill Respite House is a designated centre run by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in
Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo
Fernhill Respite House is a bungalow located in a residential development on the outskirts of
Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. The house is an established respite service which provides both
day and overnight residential respite care to adults with a Physical and/or Sensory Disability
for breaks of up to 3 nights/4 days each week. The centre can accommodate three adults at
any one time. Each adult, when staying has their own bedroom, one of which is en-suite.
The other rooms are shared and include the kitchen, main bathroom and sitting room. The
house is accessible, spacious and homely. The Respite Service has a Respite Manager,
House Manager and four Multi-Task Attendant staff.
The Centre was inspected on the 3 rd of November 2022.
Eleven regulations were inspected against the standards for residential services, seven were
deemed to be fully compliant and four were found to be substantially compliant with the
required standards. The four regulations which were judged as being substantially compliant
were Governance and Management, Risk Management Procedures, Positive Behaviour
Support and Protection. The HSE has taken a number of actions to ensure these four
regulations are brought into full compliance with the standards as follows:
 The Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo (CH CDLMS)
Disability Services Audit Schedule and revised CH CDLMS audit tools have been
implemented within the Fernhill service.
 Care and Behavioural Support Plans have been reviewed to ensure all risks
identified have an appropriate risk assessment.
 Behavioural Support Plans have been reviewed by staff and the staff induction pack
has been updated as required.
 A Safe Wifi Usage Policy for the Service is currently being developed and will be
finalised by year end. The policy will then be adopted by the service.
 A staff training needs analysis has been undertaken within the centre and a number
of trainings have been identified as requirements. The various trainings have been
scheduled for staff to complete.
The HSE will continue to work to ensure that a high quality of service is maintained within
Fernhill Respite House.


Re HIQA Inspection – Inbhear na Mara CGH – OSV 0036897
Inbhear Na Mara is a designated centre run by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in
Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo
Inbhear Na Mara provides a residential service for ten adults with an intellectual disability
who have high support needs in terms of their physical and medical needs. The unit was
purpose built to accommodate persons with complex needs and all accommodation is at
ground level and is suitable for wheelchair users or people with limited mobility. All
bedrooms are single occupancy and some have direct access to the garden areas via
double doors. Residents have access to a range of communal sitting room areas, a dining
room and a quiet room where residents can spend time alone if they wish. In addition to
shared toilet and bathing facilities a number of residents have en-suite shower and toilet
facilities. The centre is located in a small town and is staffed on a twenty four hour basis.
The Centre was inspected on the 15 th November 2022
Overview of Inspection: Thirteen regulations were inspected. Onn inspection five
regulations were deemed compliant, six substantially compliant and one was found to be
The HSE has taken a number of actions to ensure the centre is in full compliance with
regulatory standards as follows:
 A review of the staffing skill mix was undertaken to ensure it best meets the needs of
 A review of staff training requirements has been completed and training is ongoing.
 A programme of recruitment is ongoing in relation to the filling of staff nurse positions
and the position of Clinical Nurse Manager.
 Behavior support plans for residents have been reviewed and updated.
 All staff working in the centre are currently undertaking training in sexuality
The HSE will continue to work ensure that a high quality of service is maintained ongoing
within this centre.


Re HIQA Inspection – Riverside – OSV-0008152
Riverside is a designated centre run by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in Community
Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo
Riverside centre is located in a residential area of a town and is in close proximity to
amenities. Riverside provides full time residential care and support for up to six residents
with disabilities. The home has two sitting rooms, one of which has patio doors with access
to the garden, a visitor’s room, kitchen, jacuzzi bathroom, three shower rooms, six bedrooms
of which two are en-suite. There is also transport available for residents to access
community outings. Residents are supported by a staff team who provide 24/7 support.
The Centre was inspected on the 10 th & 11 th October 2022.
Thirteen regulations were inspected of which five regulations were deemed compliant and
eight substantially compliant. The HSE has taken a number of actions to ensure full
regulatory compliance with standards as follows:
 All on-line training has been completed by staff and will be reviewed on a regular
 The centre’s Quality Improvement Plan will be updated and monitored on a weekly
basis ongoing.
 All identified maintenance and upkeep works within the centre will be completed
within the specified time frame.
 The communication needs of residents will be assessed by a Speech & Language
 Fire Safety Audits will be completed effectively and actions arising from same will be
included in the centre’s Quality Improvement Plan.
 A Safe Wifi Usage Policy is currently being developed and will be implemented within
the centre once completed.
The HSE will continue to work to ensure that a high quality of service is maintained ongoing
within this centre.

