Donegal Councillor calls for judicial review of defective block legislation

Donegal Cllr Frank McBrearty says the council should seek a Judicial Review of the governments defective block redress legislation.

He has written to Cathaoirleath Liam Blaney asking him to seek such a resolution.

Cllr Frank Mc Brearty says that seeking a judicial review would be a more meaningful way for Councillors to express their concern regarding the governments delay in resolving this issue.

Regarding calls for members of council to attend a public protest outside the Dail on February 8th, Cllr McBrearty said seeking a judicial review would be a better way for them to display their political support for those affected by defective blocks in Donegal.

Cllr McBrearty says the power of resolution is typically used for matters such as the County Development Plan or the Striking of rates and property tax variations. However he insists it’s now time to use that power to send a clear and precise message to the Government that the elected members mean business on behalf of the people they represent.
