Last chance for people to have say on Milford Town Centre First Plan

The last chance for people to have their say on the Town Centre First Plan for Milford is this week.

The plan will be regeneration and renewal focused with a view to strengthening the role, image, vibrancy, vitality and resilience of Milford town centre.

The Town Centre First Plan for Milford is being developed in line with national policy and will put place-making at the centre of the value proposition for the town as a means of enabling and attracting investment and regeneration.

It will provide for the convergence of community vision, business interests, local knowledge, key Stakeholder and Local Authority expertise in co-designing a roadmap for the regeneration and future development of Milford together with the more detailed design of actions in respect of key sites.

The first stage of Public Consultation which will inform the preparation of the Draft Town Centre First Plan will close on Thursday at 4pm.

More information is available on the project’s website where anyone interested can leave comments or complete a questionnaire.
