There were 20 families with 48 dependent children homeless in NW at the end of May

There’s been a rise in the number of people classified as homeless in the North West.

Figures published this afternoon show 20 families with 48 dependent children were in emergency accommodation across the region during the last week in May. That’s six families more than at the end of April, with 10 extra children.

There were 122 adults in emergency accommodation in the North West at the end of last month, 13 more than the previous month.

Of those, 52 were in emergency accommodation in Donegal.

Nationally, 12,441 people were registered as homeless in May, 3,699 of them children.

Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien says the national increase is less than the figures seen over the past two months, but he acknowledges that’ll be of no comfort to those directly impacted…………….
