Uisce Eireann to carry out major works at Carnamuggagh, Letterkenny

Works to replace almost a kilometre of old water main in the Carnamuggagh area of Letterkenny will begin next week.

Uisce Éireann, working with Donegal County Council, say they will remove 900m of ageing pipes and deliver a more reliable water supply to locals before the end of November this year.

As a result of the works, there may be some supply interruptions, and a traffic management system will be in place.

Phase one of the project will involve works on the N56 on the approach to Knocknamona Roundabout from the Kilmacreenan side and this section of the project will be completed at nighttime with traffic lights in place.

Phase two at the Knocknamona Roundabout will also be carried out between 7pm and 7am with a lane closure to ensure the safe delivery of the works.

Works on the N56 leaving Knocknamona will involve a contra flow traffic system and will carried out during the day with phase four of the works on Carnamuggagh Lower Road also carried out during daytime. Traffic lights will be in operation for that section of the works.

Uisce Eireann say the works may require some short-term water interruptions to the water supply, but they will strive to minimise any disruption.

The works are scheduled to be completed by November.


Release in full –

Out with the old, in with the new for Carnamuggagh

30 June, 2023: Works to replace almost a 1km stretch of old troublesome water main in the Carnamuggagh area of Donegal will begin next week.

Uisce Éireann, working with Donegal County Council, will remove 900m of ageing pipes and deliver a more reliable water supply to locals before the end of November 2023.

The new pipework along the N56 and L1164 Carnamuggagh Lower Road will significantly reduce leakage levels and put an end to disruption to the water supply.

Uisce Éireann’s Networks Programme manager Declan Cawley is looking forward to getting the project underway.

“We’re well aware of the problems this stretch of water main has been causing. Carrying out these works under the National Leakage Reduction Programme will greatly benefit the community.

“It will put an end to sporadic bursts and significantly reduce the amount of clean drinking water lost into the ground. Customers can look forward to a more secure and reliable supply.”

Farrans Construction will carry out the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann with a planned completion date in November 2023.

To ensure the least disruption to locals the works will be carried out in four phases with some of the works completed at nighttime.

Phase one will involve works on the N56 on the approach to Knocknamona Roundabout from the Kilmacreenan side and this section of the project will be completed at nighttime with traffic lights in place.

Phase two at the Knocknamona Roundabout will also be carried out between 7pm and 7am with a lane closure to ensure the safe delivery of the works.

Works on the N56 leaving Knocknamona will involve a contra flow traffic system and will carried out during the day with phase four of the works on Carnamuggagh Lower Road also carried out during daytime and traffic lights will be in operation at that time.

“We understand that this type of work is inconvenient, and our crews will make every effort to minimise disruption to the local people. These works are essential for the area and the long-term benefits will far outweigh any short-term inconvenience. We thank the community for their patience and co-operation,” said Declan.

The works may require some short-term water interruptions to the water supply, but the project team will ensure that customers are given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any planned interruptions.

This project forms part of Uisce Eireann’s National Leakage Reduction Programme and will help us achieve our 2030 goal of a national leakage rate of 25%. The National Leakage Reduction team has made great strides since 2018 when the leakage rate stood at 46%.

Since 2018, Uisce Éireann has invested more than €500 million to upgrade the underground water network across the country through the delivery of the national Leakage Reduction Programme. We are investing a further €250 million every year up to the end of 2030 – fixing leaks and replacing pipes to provide a more reliable water supply.

For more information on the national Leakage Reduction Programme, please visit www.water.ie/reducingleaks
