Tented accommodation expected to be used for new arrivals from Ukraine

It’s expected that, from next week, tented accommodation will be used for new arrivals from Ukraine.

The Department of Integration says there are over 24,600 beneficiaries of temporary protection in Ireland.

The summer months have seen an increase in the number of arrivals from Ukraine, with more than 10,000 people fleeing here since May 1st – an average of around 650 people per week.

While almost 7,000 additional beds have been contracted in this time, there remains a significant shortfall in accommodation for those fleeing Ukraine for the coming weeks.

A spokesperson for the Department of Integration says, due to this significant shortfall, it is expected that, from next week, tented accommodation will be used for new arrivals from Ukraine.

As of yesterday, there were 24,689 Ukrainians in hotels nationwide.

The highest number is in Dublin at 4,212, followed by 3,063 in Kerry and 2,944 in Clare.

The county with the lowest number of Ukrainians in hotels is Monaghan at just 20.
