HIQA publishes reports on two designated care centres for adults with disabilities in Donegal

HIQA has published inspection reports on  two designated care centres for adults with disabilities in Donegal, Sliabh Glas and Ballytrim House.

Ballytrim house had an unannounced inspection on June 21st.

Seven residents were present at the time of inspection.

While Sliabh Glas had an announced inspection on June 1st with six residents present during the course of the inspection.

In the case of Ballytrim house, the centre was found to be totally compliant in all 15 areas of inspection.

The reported noted that residents rights were actively promoted.

Residents were encouraged to express their choices and preferences about weekly menus and planned activities.

It was also noted that residents’ preferences were reflected in the decoration of the centre.

Sliabh Glas also had zero non-compliances.

Six areas were found substantially compliant. These were staffing, governance and management, fire precautions, medicines and pharmaceutical services, positive behavioural support and protection.

The inspector found that residents were supported to enjoy a good quality of life and they were active in their local communities.

It also noted that staff and management were committed to the delivery of person centred care.

HSE Statement:

Ballytrim House is a designated centre run by the Health Service Executive (HSE) Disability Services in Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo.

Ballytrim House provides residential care and support to adults with a disability. The designated centre comprises an eight bedded one-storey building located in a residential housing estate in a small town. Residents living at the centre have access to communal facilities such as sitting rooms, a sensory room, dining room, kitchen, and outdoor area. Each resident has their own bedroom with en-suite bathroom. Ballytrim House is located close to local amenities such as shops, public houses, and cafes. There are three vehicles available to the centre which enable residents to access other amenities in the surrounding area such as swimming pools and other leisure facilities. Residents are supported night and day by a staff team of both nursing and care staff.

The centre was inspected on the 21st and 22nd June 2023 and the report was published on the HIQA website on September 4th 2023.

Fifteen regulations were inspected, and all were found to be compliant with regulatory standards. The inspector noted in the inspection report that it was very clear that residents’ rights to a good quality and meaningful life were prioritised in the centre and that residents’ views on the centre and everyday life were gathered through ongoing daily discussions on choice and preferences.

The HSE continues to work to ensure that a high quality of service is maintained ongoing within this Centre.

The Sliabh Glas designated centre is a HSE centre managed by Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo Disability Services. The Sliabh Glas centre consists of a dormer style bungalow with a separate flat. The centre provides residential accommodation for six adults with intellectual disabilities. All residents have single occupancy bedrooms. The residents of the centre benefit from having two modes of transport for access to community-based activities and amenities. The service is staffed on a 24/7 basis and the staff team includes a person in charge.

The centre was inspected by HIQA, the regulatory authority, on the 1st June 2023 and the report was published on the HIQA website on September 4th 2023.

Fifteen regulations were inspected, and nine regulations were deemed to be fully compliant and six of the regulations deemed substantially complaint with regulatory
standards. A judgment of substantially compliant means that the service provider or person in charge has generally met the requirements of the regulation but some
action is required to be fully compliant. This finding is considered to be a low risk.

The HSE has taken a number of actions identified below to address the requirements to bring the centre into full compliance:
 The centre’s staff rota template has been reviewed and updated to ensure it fully reflects staff members’ hours of work in the centre.
 The necessary maintenance work on a fire door has been completed.
 The Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans for two residents have been reviewed and updated to reflect their supervision requirement post evacuation.
 The Behaviour Support Plan for one resident has been reviewed and updated by the Clinical Psychologist in conjunction with centre staff to ensure all behaviours of concern and management strategies are accurately reflected in the plan.
 Restrictive practices in the centre have been reviewed and updated.
 The Individual Buccal Midazolam Protocol for each resident was discussed at a local governance meeting to ensure all staff understand the protocols in line with medical guidance.
 Easy read documentation on protection has been discussed at the residents meeting to promote residents’ knowledge in the area of protection.
 Governance arrangements within the centre have been further strengthened.

The HIQA inspector noted in the inspection report that it was clear that the centre was very much resident focused and it had an open and transparent culture. It was
further noted that residents attended scheduled meetings where they discussed the running and operation of their home and that information with regards to rights,
complaints, fire safety and Infection Prevention Control measures were also discussed at these meetings which ensured that this was an informed resident group.

The HSE will continue to work to ensure that a high quality service is delivered and maintained within this centre.
