Podcast Monday’s Nine Til Noon Show


The Nine ’til Noon Show  – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show which aims to inform and entertain listeners and to platform their views and issues:

Listen back to Monday’s show:

After the paper review, Donal discusses ‘dodgy boxes’ with the CEO of FACT, September is Recovery Month, celebrating those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction and remembering those who have died, and we hear from the General Secretary of the INTO about the campaign to reduce class sizes……… 

We discuss the need for more coordination of road tragedy responses with Susan Grey of PARC, Seamus Boland of Irish Rural Link outlines why he believes the school transport scheme needs to be upgraded, and we discfuss menopause in the workplace……….

Brendan Devenney chats to Donal about the weekend’s GAA action and what is coming up on the DL Debate, we meet the President and PRO of Toastmasters in Letterkenny, a Birmingham  based criminologist tells us why we may be more prone to violence than we think, and the CCPC outlines its concern about the number of people with no pension provision………
