HIQA publishes report on Letterkenny Nursing Home inspection

HIQA has today published the report of an unannounced inspection of Hillcrest Nursing Home, Long Lane, Letterkenny.

The inspection was carried out on March 22nd of this year with 31 residents present.

7 non compliances were noted.

These were in the areas of Staffing, Training and staff development, Records, Governance and management, Contract for the provision of services, Premises and Residents’ rights.

5 regulations were graded at substantially compliant. These were Statement of purpose, Personal possessions, Medicines and pharmaceutical services and Individual assessment and care plan.

There were 5 compliant regulations.

It was observed that residents told inspectors that they were happy and content living in the designated centre.

Residents also said that staff were kind and caring and that they felt safe and secure.

The report in full can be read HERE.
