House prices in Donegal up 8%

House prices in Donegal continue to rise.

They’re up 8%.

The listed cost price of a house nationally was 3.7 per cent higher in the third quarter of the year when compared to last year and roughly 13 per cent below the Celtic Tiger peak.

According to the latest report, house prices in Donegal are 8.3% higher than a year previously, that compares to a rise of 15% seen a year ago.

The average price of a home in the county is now €214,000, 19% below its Celtic Tiger peak.

Meanwhile, the median price of a newly built home in Donegal is €285,000.

The biggest increase in asking prices for properties in Donegal was for four bedroom properties, its up 13.2%.

There were 5.2% fewer transactions in Connacht-Ulster in the first half of 2023, compared to the same period a year earlier, just 4,232 transations took place.

As of September 1st, supply is down 20%.

The full report is available here
