Donegal Minister opens Macra Agricultural Conference

There are calls for a generational renewal in agriculture.

Macra President Ms. Elaine Houlihan said that it is disappointing that the government took such a binary view on generational renewal.

“With one third of farmers over the age of 65, it is hard to understand how the government can turn a blind eye to the aging profile of our farmers and expect the changes that we all know are required”.

The annual Macra Agricultural Conference was opened yesterday by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

In his opening statement, Donegal’s Minister McConalogue reiterated his commitment to young farmers and female farmers and took questions from the attending delegates.

The questions to the Minister covered a number of farming topics from the draining of rivers to knowledge transfer.

Mick Curran CEO of Macra na Feirme says that the conference provided an understanding of the government in relation to farming succession:
