Review ordered into scans at LUH

A review has been ordered into hundreds of scans at Letterkenny University Hospital.

The Irish times reports it follows an internal check that found that over one third of a locum radiologist’s work contained errors.

Saolta says the consultant’s contract was terminated within 10 days as a result of concerns raised about the standard of their work by a senior member of staff in the hospital.

They added that the consultant worked in the hospital for a total of 7 days.

A senior consultant is claiming that they have received no response from the hospital or Saolta seeking out a review of the persons work.


HSE Response:

Letterkenny University Hospital can confirm that a locum radiologist employed on a short term contract in September 2023 had this contract terminated within 10 days as a result of concerns being raised regarding the standard of their work. During this time the consultant had undertaken 7 days of clinical activity.  

A full review of the relevant clinician’s work is underway to provide assurance regarding patient safety.

The hospital Quality and Patient Safety service has a clear pathway in addressing any concerns raised regarding clinical care and this pathway is currently being followed.

In the event that any cases of misdiagnosis come to light patients will be contacted with full open disclosure and appropriate arrangements put in place for follow up care, in accordance with national policy.


