Approval given for major extension to Melvin Sports Centre in Strabane

Planning approval has been given for a proposed extension to the existing Sports Centre at Melvin Sports Complex in Strabane.

Members of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Planning Committee also approved a new industrial unit in the Invest NI business park on Melmount Road.

At its monthly meeting, which took place in the council chamber in Strabane, the committee was told that the proposed new extension to the Melvin Complex will provide a sports hall, changing places and storage area, along with associated car parking and landscape works.

Committee Chair Cllr Sean Mooney said this has the potential to transform the Melvin Sports Complex and provide users in Strabane with top class facilities for a rangeof sports and activities.

The committee also gave the green light to a proposed industrial development at the Melmount Road Business Park.

The development will comprise of a manufacturing area, training areas, meeting rooms, ancillary spaces, offices, and a staff canteen, as well as provisions for landscaping, car parking and other associated works. Th e factory will be used to produce fire sprinkler pipework for the UK and European markets.



Notices in full –

Planning approval has been given for a proposed extension to the existing Sports Centre at Melvin Sports Complex in Strabane.

Members of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Planning Committee at their monthly meeting held in the Council Chamber, Derry Road, Strabane, heard how the proposed new extension will provide a sports hall, changing places and storage area, along with associated car parking and landscape works.

Members of the committee were informed that planning officials, having considered all material considerations, were content to recommend approval for the application, subject to conditions.

Chairman of the Planning Committee Cllr Sean Mooney said this was hugely positive news for Strabane and evidence of the Council’s commitment to investment in leisure and sports facilities across the district.

He said this redevelopment project has the potential to transform the Melvin Sports Complex and provide users in Strabane with top class facilities for a range of sports and activities.



Members of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Planning Committee today gave the green light to full planning approval for a proposed industrial unit at lands within Invest NI Strabane Business Park at Melmount Road in Strabane.

Members of the committee met today at the Chamber in the Derry Road Council offices, in Strabane where details of a proposed industrial unit were outlined. The units will comprise of a manufacturing area, training areas, meeting rooms, ancillary spaces, offices, and a staff canteen as well as provisions for landscaping, car parking and other associated works.

Committee members attending the meeting were informed that the factory will be used to produce fire sprinkler pipework for the UK and European markets.

It was outlined that planning officials are satisfied that the proposal is an acceptable use at this location given the approval for industrial issues.

Members of the committee were informed that the application demonstrated that adequate measures will be put in place to mitigate potential impacts arising due to manufacturing noise, traffic implications and was in keeping with requirements in terms of natural heritage, residential amenity and environmental considerations including ground contamination, surface water run-off drainage and sewage.

Planning approval was granted subject to several conditions.

Welcoming the proposed development, Planning Committee chairperson Cllr Sean Mooney said this new factory would allow for the extension of business facilities at the Business Park in Strabane and was a welcome investment in the local area. He said he hoped the new factory would see the creation of new jobs for the town and help bring further investment into Strabane.
