Gardai examining CCTV footage after Buncrana Leisure Centre fire

Gardaí have renewed their appeal for information after an arson attack on the old Buncrana Leisure Centre on the town’s Shore Road shortly after 6 o’clock last Thursday evening.

Four males, there youths and an older man entered the building, and left a short time later via the Aileach Road in the direction of the Railway Road. A window had been broken on the front door in order to gain entry and a number of items were set alight within the pool area in the building.

The fire was small, and was quickly dealt with by the fire service.

Gardai say some CCTV has been obtained, and is currently being examined.

They are appealing to anybody who travelled in the areas of the Shore Road, Aileach Road or the Railway Road between 6pm and 6.30pm and who had a dash cam to make the footage available to Gardaí.

If anybody observed these males on foot we ask them to make contact with Gardaí in Buncrana also on 074-9320540.
